"We can't save the world by playing by the rules.......the rules have to change."
-Greta Thunberg
"I was inspired by our culture of living with nature."- Mohammed Rezwan
"I'm a real believer that just doing a little something is really a lot better than doing a lot of nothing" -Stella McCartney
"Beautiful people eat ugly fruit." -Isabel Soares
"Connect with nature and it will always be there for you."- Doug Smith
Anyone of any social class or ideology needs fertile land, clean water and clean air."-Marina Silva
"It's our responsibility to save the next generaition. We cannot do that without working together." -Isatou Ceesay
"My message to the world is act now before it's to late."- Chewang Norphel
"Be who you are and do what you do best..... when many of us do a little bit a lot gets done."-Bittu Sahgal
"Story telling is going to be the key with which we can change the hearts-not just the minds-of people."-Sheila Watt-Cloutier
"Our mission is simple: to live in a world without the need for seabins." -Andrew Turton and Pete Ceglinsky.
"We didn't want to wait until we were older to stand up for what we believe in, so we didn't." -Melati and Isabel Wijsen